Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nov 29th - Dec 3rd Nutrition

This week the students have learned about the food pyramid… per “Healthy Choices Healthy Me” Dairy Council Food Pyramid

Food groups

Servings per day

Serving sizes

Good fats and Bad fats

Good fats are usually liquid at room temp i.e. fats from veggies and nuts

Bad fats are usually solid at room temp i.e. animal fats and trans fats

The begining of the week we loaded up the kids with facts then played a tag game where the taggers were extras and trans fats if a healthy student was tagged twice they took three turns trying to throw healthy food into the buckets topped with lips and if the healthy food made it into the mouth then they went back to the game if not the ran a small lap and came back to the game, Thursday and Friday we'll wrap up the week with nutrition bingo and the movie from "Heart Power Game Show" visit HeartPower! Online  for more info.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cupid Shuffle

For our rhythmic movement unit we taught 1st - 5th to do the Cupid Shuffle, it's a simple four count repetitive dance to a very cool song. Take a look at the instructional you-tube video by the dance's creator!

How To Cupid Shuffle


As most of you can't miss we use music a lot to enhance the PE environment. For example the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving we have featured Native American music genres such as, bluegrass, American Indian, and folk. We make the connection to the fact that like Thanksgiving the music and a lot of the instruments used were started here in America. We also explore the natural instinct to move with the music’s beats per minuet or tempo and how we can use that to manipulate our activity level for fitness.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 12 11/15-11/19 Walking and Jogging

This week our curriculum takes us "walking/Jogging" We emphasize how lucky we are to live here in Marin. We have so many trails so close! The American Hiking Society has some great information about the benefits of walking/jogging on our wonderful hiking trails not to mention it's FREE and great activity for families, something you don't have to be a super athlete to enjoy!